
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day cards.

So this year, i decided to use my newfound skills to make cards for mother's day. made one for my ma, and the other for my dearest Chetna aunty. she doesn't have a daughter, and kinda thinks of me as one. just recently she bought me a bracelet. a pretty one. so
i made one for her, and of course gifted her a big bar of chocolate. this one is for chetna auntyFor my ma's card i basically made a simple card on the outside but on the inside was pop up card made from one of the tutorials on craft tv weekly webisode. On Saturday, i went to this store where i ended up buying a whole ton of craft supplies, so i used the rolling stamp to make the background. Gosh these days, i'm combining techniques from different websites and different tutorials and making my own mish mash of cards. but all my family seems to love it. My brother even told me to quit my physical therapy and open my card making shop. :)
I've been on a card making spree this weekend. Made a shaker card from one of the tutorials on Maria's blog. it turned out fine except the confetti inside the shaker kept getting stuck to the foam tape and refused to show itself. a lil shaking and banging works,they appear for a while and then again they hide. sigh...gotta find a way to avoid that.
Kinda found a solution to that, Thanks to Maria. She told me to use big confetti and i thought of using q-tip to use talcum powder and rub off the stickiness on the inside of the foam tape.

PS. Can you guess what...Maria left a comment on this blog. WOW! that's like a msg from my mentor. i look up to her as my inspiration. Thanks Maria for taking time to leave msg.


  1. Hi Tejal,

    Thank you for your advise on my "Life Changing Dilemma". I really appreciate it.

    As for your card, I love it! It's so cute and the layout is great. Perfect for Mother's Day

    I'm sorry the confetti on the shaker card kept getting stuck. Maybe mixing the confetti with larger confetti may help. Be sure also to use a foam tape that don't have stickies on the sides of the tape and run your fingers across the enevelope pressing on the foam to prevent pockets between the envelope and the foam. You may also want to apply the foam right below the window. The foam was to push the base up higher so the confetti don't pocket at the space below the window. You could use regular double sided tape rather than foam to elevate the base. Hope that helps.

    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

  2. hello, found your blog via a link, yes stamping can become addictive and expensive. Just think of all the wonderful challenges ahead- making wonderful creations with the limited supplies you have and the extra creativity you will bring to the table

  3. Hello from New York City! Love your blog, so cool to see someone out of the states that loves to stamp! Keep up the great work! Here's my blog if you want to check it out...


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!