
Monday, June 18, 2007

Roller coaster week

I really dont' know if this entry will get published. Reason, my computer is behaving erratically. just shuts down so before it does that again, here's the stuff i wanted to post.

Two cards, one for father's day. Got the idea from a couple of tutorials, which Allison puts up on her blog. She is one helpful lady. Her's is the first blog i always check.
so anyhow, i made this card for my dad. And got him a Parker pen. I think he has all the Parker pens in the world but will jump with glee if he got just one more.

And this one is for a friend. Tried out the gel card on SCS projects. turned out wonderful. The fish is so cute, just copied the clipart from the net, as i didnt' have any fish stamps.

The week was a bad one, tears, stress and complete failure of my positive thoughts to act. Just kept going bad to worse. Today its a little better, but i wish it could be even better than this. It's utter chaos, if you could peek into my mind. Standing on the cross-road, knowing you want to cross, but knowing you might die if you cross. AArgh!!! misery!! misery of not knowing what road to choose, not knowing where to go...

i guess love will keep us alive!!!


  1. Both cards are adorable! Hope everything is ok with you!

  2. You did a wonderful job on the cards! It's amazing that you used a clipart for the fish. . .it looks stamped!

    I'm sorry to hear that negative things are happening in your life right now. It is difficult to think positively especially when your world isn't going right. Hopefully, things will get better soon!



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