
Friday, November 30, 2007

My new box of goodies.

My mood's been down and out lately but that didn't stop my stuff from arriving that I'd ordered 2 months back. I preferred not to ship it out but ask one of my friends or anyone for that matter if they could tag it along. And yup, my stuff from Frugalities is here. And and bits and pieces from Micheal's. Sitting in India, I'm in love with that store. Don't let me go there...i'll go bankrupt. razz

here's a pic of my goodies..

This is all my goodies in one shot. The by pass trimmer and the waterbrush pen are from Micheal's . The rest all is from frugalities. 90$. I guess. Should suffice for 6 months. But already i'm hungry for more. Every had that happen to you? I'm just confused as to how to get good effects with texture plates. I think cuttlebug works best but that is way beyond my budget. So an embossing tool should do the trick. But is there anyother trick to get good embossed results?

Help out girls.
Not too happy with the 7 gypsies pack. A couple of papers i dont' know where and how to use, but the DCWV is fabulous. this is going to be on my wishlist. Lots more of patterned paper.

here are the only stamps that I ordered. I didn't want the alphabet ones. I wanted ones witha flourish. And guess what ...after I placed my order, they had Fancy Pants Pollen Dust on 45% discount, that is to say at 22$. Isn't that freaking bad luck???
I'll keep waiting till they have it back in stock. I want flourishes...some one got too many and wanna give it away for Christmas?? Be my Santa perhaps ??mrgreen


  1. lots of lovely goodies to play with! Happy stamping, jenny x

  2. This won't help on what to use to apply pressure to the plates, but she gives great info about a trick to get good, clear pressure embossing which might help you.



  3. Tejal,

    I just saw the nice comment you left regarding my SheetLoad of Cards eZine. Thanks so much!!

    Make sure to check out the contest I have going on:

    You could win an entire sent of clear $ stamps from Michaels!

    From your post it looks like you REALLY like Michaels. :)

    Happy craftin'


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!