
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mysterious ways!

I have firmly come to believe that God does work in mysterious ways. For when I made the coaster calender for my friend, I did not know it would affect her so. I have not met her since I left grad school, which was way back in 2001. I had been in touch thru email, but infrequently.
And when she sent pictures of her and her new baby boy, I loved that so much that I made her a lil gift and sent it off without thinking much about it.

She called me today with the words that it reached her when she was at her lowest point. She was depressed having a personal family problem, her 4 month baby being diagnosed with hyper-thyroid at this young age and her hypertension not going away. When she got that, the first thought that came to her mind was, "at least someone loves me" And while speaking to her, I too broke down, agreeing that sometimes people who are around your 24-7 don't touch your heart as much as these Random Acts of Kindness do.

Just the fact that someone bother to send me something, not caring about international shipping, makes me feel so happy and so blessed. At least someone thought about me.
And it is my goal that I shall make and send RAK's every month this year.

Ok, on with the stamping work, I was so thrashing in water when I tried to make this card. The card look perfect in my head, the sketch was ready, the stamp set was ready, the patterned paper was at hand, and yet when I tried to put it together, I always felt something was missing. So far I still think that something is missing, but after spending 3 days on this, i'm ready to move on..
This is inspired by a sketch from Jen del Muro .. I think the card has lost the sketch somewhere..and the stamp is a generous gift from Michele. {{{{{HUGS}}}}

I used watercolor pencils to color in, my silver glitter pen. Maybe it needs a ribbon to top it off?I just trimmed off the tag individually and its done. I didn't want to cover the tags with a front panel. So i guess it doesn't qualify for the sketch, I'll try again I guess!!
If you don't succeed, try again.

I do have a question for all the cardmakers,
Do you start with a stamp set, a DP or a sketch? I have muddled myself over this a million times. I just sit with everything I have and then put it back because it does not make sense.
Please help!
Any ideas?


  1. I am soooo glad you were able to use some of the stamps!!!! Looks awesome! (BTW, I usually start with my paper and pick out a stamp set that would go. Rather than the other way around!)

  2. How I stamp? Oye... Yes... how do I start my stampproject?... well I dont have a special way, I do it different almost everytime... Sometimes a sketch, sometimes a stamp, sometimes a piece of paper.. There is a million ways I think =0)

  3. Hi Tejal,

    Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness of stopping by my blog to let me know about my great fortune from Kim at paper hugs! :0)

    And I love your blog. Your story about the coaster calendar was so sweet and inspiring. This all makes me want to mail something asap!


  4. Hi Tejal
    Just found this blog so I thought I'd say "hi".
    Is crafting, well really I mean scrapping, big in India? I have a lot of family in Mumbai & I'd love to know if scrapping materials are easily available. Maybe I could talk some of my cousins into taking the hobby!!!

  5. Yes, He is very mysterious, isn't He? You never know when you'll need a pick-me-up... and God sees to it that we're taken care of!

    I've sent you some flowers on my blog:)

    Have a great one!

  6. Hi, thanks for sharing the story about the coaster album and how the people being linked together.

    sometimes, i feel that doing Layout is easier than doing a card.
    In LO, just need to get some photo that suit to the theme, then get the patterned paper and start all with that.
    When i doing a card, i'll stamp the image then colour. after that will choose the colour of the cardstock that suit to the image :)

    Some of my thought !

    And thanks for the e-flower :)

  7. thats a good idea what you did to cut individually !
    Great job !


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!