
Thursday, June 26, 2008

A fast Layout..

Just a quick post to show off my newest layout...I've been cards yet.....

need to find my creative genius ....

what say about this cutie...she's my niece...pretty grown up by now...

With a template in hand, a Layout is just a matter of minutes..its fast and easy..

I'm still trying to learn about drop shadows and the stuff...don't know how much is enough..

Actually when making a card or a LO, how do you know when enough is enough?

The template is from Rackety Scrapety and papers are from A kit called Berrylicious by Vicki's Blog- A work in progress

Don't know where I got the embellishment from...sorry again...I'm terrible at giving credit for the right person.
Now I know..its by Franziska Altmann - Tabrizia.

will be back soon with a card.. (hopefully) sigh!!


  1. Lovely LO! She is pretty. When the LO looks crowded then it is enough. This one is perfect.

  2. I know what you mean, sometimes I go on adding to my card and then I don't like it so whenever I'm making a card my DH keeps reminding me that I should know when to stop :) LOL!

    Your niece is so cute!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!