
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Word art layout

I needed a quote to put on my page..and guess what I find. A word art from Bethany..Here is here original quote and here's my version of it.

I sometimes find that I need my mess around me to make it feel like a home, or my own room. I feel if its too clean, it seems sanitized, like someone else's house.

I don't know if i'm alone in this dilemma or is there someone out there who shares this weird trait with me. If you are, you're not alone!!! surprised

There is one more quote that I love, and its an excuse for me to make more mess and refuse to clean up..I'll try my first attempt at creating a word art and uploading it for you!

If I can't Bethany to the rescue!! mrgreen

There are lot of brushes I've used, mostly by the Greenbulb Gang Coffee stains brush.
some from Obsidian Dawn the glitters on the word room..
unfortunately I can't find the source for the paper.
frame- Franziska Altmann
Vector foliage brush-no idea from where!
Font-House - Smargana
Happy - Gigi

1 comment:

Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!