
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I won a blog candy!

I won a tiny blog candy at Dawn's blog. Yipee..Here's what she sent me..a fabulous card and 3 sentiments from Stamping Bella...

Isn't the card awesome? It is simply fabulous. I would love to make something with this sketch.
 Stop by Dawn's blog and say hi to her..

On another note, as I said I've joined the ATC group, just have a peek at last month's ATC's. They are so freakin fabulous...I don't think lack of supplies is a deterrent to them. Way to go ladies & gurrls!!
Here's the link.. March ATC pics


  1. wow!! amazing card.. and yeah.. ATCs are getting better every month..

  2. amazing...great luck you have...hoping to c some great work using these...

  3. dats super cool Tejal... Congrats n have fun with them...


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!