
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Some Randomness

I haven't been making cards in the last week..still organizing all my craft stuff that I finally got over..

One question for you do you organize all your stuff? Do you have the space for a craft room or do you stuff it in plastic cases like I do? and craft wherever you get times I'm on the floor, cutting and assembling, at times I'm sitting on my couch and messing the whole couch! Yeah! Thankfully I have no one to screech over me for the mess I make. By the time H comes home, the creative chaos settles into an organized randomness.

Anyways, I thought of sharing some thing I used to love a long time back, while I was studying..I haven't done them in two years..and I'm just a copy cat..none of these are original but done from other sketches..

Would love your comments...

This is by far my favorite..
This is the last one I've done...there are a couple of more but haven't scanned them yet.. might try again but this needs a lot of time and even though time is all I have, the heat makes it an ugly environment to work in peace..

So what say?


  1. You did amazing art work! My favorite is the baby...his glaze is incredible!! They melt my heart! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. My stuff is either lying in my table drawers or in my plastic containers.I dont own much stuff to boast about but whatever I have, I think it is organised :P Since I stay with my friends , they feel its ok to mess about and sometimes help me out too...:) The sketches are absolutely adorable :)

  3. Love the sketches... especially the last one (i think you can convert it into a stamp and sell it to us ;-) because I can't draw...)

    I keep my stuff in every sort of container...pens and brushes in tall biscuit tins, tin cookie boxes store my embellishments, ribbons are in a variety of boxes, and they are all in my small craft cupboard and some drawers. Even I craft on the floor at most times because I don't have a work desk and I hate working on the dining table.... by the time hubby's home,everything's back in its place or I'm dead. :D
    I find it hardest to store rolls of paper... trying to do something about that.

  4. I love your sketches they are amazing!


  5. awesum sketches Tejal... wanna see more of them :)

  6. Ok, so can I just tell you that your comment made my day! Your words are super sweet and they definitely made me smile! Thank you so much! :)
    Oh, and I love your sketches! They are fantastic! I have to agree that the baby one is also my favorite, but I also really like the one with the trees and mountains. Very eye-catching. You should definitely do more!!! :)

  7. Hi...the sketches are awesome..

  8. Loved the baby skecth.. and last one is awsome piece of art :)

    I keep my stuff in plastic containers.. Have one BIG bed-side drawer for keeping all my stuff.. Don't have too much in the first place :D

    I keep my sheets in a Big Cardboard Box, stashed away in my bedside drawer only. I four-fold the bigger sheets and keep the smaller ones straight.
    But then, even i'm struggling to keep my stuff organised, planning on a desk and bookshelf kind of place for keeping them in order :D But thats still about 4-5 months later..

  9. OMG! Tejal!! I never knew u were into sketching.. This is FAB!!! You should get back to it.. now that you've taken a break from crafting.. you definitely should sketch a bit.. if your back allows you to, that is.. :)


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!