
Thursday, July 22, 2010

OLW #13, Christmas in July

So I took the theme for this weeks, OLW literally. Built my snow man in July, so guess what will happen if you build a snowman in July? Won't he melt?

I got this idea from Susan's description of the heat..sounded almost like the summer we had here with temps over 45C (115F) with sweat trickling down to places I would not want to mention on this blog (go ahead, imagine if you must)

This snowman image is the one I got from Michele...(Thanks hun, you are the reason I have so many stamps and why I keep falling in love with this hobby) I don't have any other Christmas images and thought, might as well as make it funny since I didn't get a chance to make a funny OLW!

The original snow man is smiling,but I made him frown since he's pouting about being put in the sun in July! He is  melting too, I also added an extra puddle! I ended up misjudging the placement of the alphabets, so didn't get place to stamp the profanities I wanted leaving it upto your imagination! (lol)

The sun is a tiny peg stamp I brought from hobby ideas, love his wicked grin..and his cool shades!
And here's a close up of the Snowman himself..

 Pretty happy with my water coloring over here.

So that's it for my 3 post in 3 days...phew..I'm on a roll ... Do check my previous 2 posts if you haven't.
And again thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your wonderful comments, they make my day...


  1. you rly are on a role!.. looove this card!.. and you have some awesome creativity! :))

  2. awesum adaptation!!! the colourings are so so perfect!!! love the whole thing absolutely...

  3. Hehe...this one is soooooo it :) Loved the sun's grin and the snowman's saddy face... :)
    But whoever gets this is gonna smile all the way ! :)

    Keep them coming ;)

  4. Hi Tejal, this is so much fun, I love it:) xxx

  5. I love your sense of humor! Very fun card.

  6. Ha ha thats so funny, Love the sentiment you have added:-) Cute card!

  7. Such a fun card and beautiful coloring :)

  8. OMG! Soooo creative!!!
    I love how you made the snowman frown and melt!
    Hahaa! Sooo cute!!!
    Hope you have a great weekend, Tejal! :)

  9. WOWZERS! Tejal, this is soooo funny and creative and cute and fabulously colored all at the same time!

  10. Cute, cute, cute!!! Love the puddles...and the way you changed his smile to a frown...adorable!!

  11. Tejal, this is hilarious! A fabulous card!!

  12. cute! I love the stamp :) How did you manage to put a frown on his face though??

  13. Cute cute idea Tejal! Love to see a sense of humor.
    Glad you stopped by my blog and entered the candy giveaway.
    Was just thinking about you the other day when I was looking for a new recipe.


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!