
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Amy at Tsuruta Designs has a you dare to post the first card you ever made...if you see my first card..eeew!! I feel like hiding under my bed in shame...but then we learn, we evolve..And this card was made before I had seen what rubber stamps could do..before I had seen any blogs, before I knew blogs on stamping existed, before I knew of PTI or Stampin Up! . This is quite an ancient card for me...Made in April 2007.

Eeeks! I know...the DP was printed on my printer...and the shiny silver ribbon was a gift water coloring skills were at their lowest! But when I see where I was and where I am, I'm glad I found lot of help and people who inspired me along the way!!

This is another one, made in the same month, April 2007. This was for a newly married couple and the vellum is recycled weddng card.. (not their card of course).
Love to see your first cards too!!


  1. Ur ancient..I mean considering 2007 :P :P Hehe...I didnt know anything as stamps existed way back in 2007 :P

  2. My first card.......sorry....dont have it, nor do I have a pic of it, so cant post it. We all live and learn dont we. This card is really good for a first timer though.

  3. :-) You have come a long way, that is reason enough to cheer...

    As for that silver ribbon.. well, I have a roll of similar golden ribbon. Now I think I should just wrap mithai boxes with it though :D

  4. Great idea! You have come a long way but this was great for a first card:)xx

  5. I loved your first cards :D Even i din know about existence of stamps in 2007!! Got to know about them in sep 2008, on my trip to Germany! I still remember the way i felt when i saw the plethora of stuff available there.. :D

  6. Your first cards are soo not looking like your firsts!.. they are soo amazing!.. flashbacks are fun! :)

  7. ur like a rockstar from the 1st card itself...but also if i copare to ur cards god u have really wrked hard on ur colorng skills...way to go girl...

  8. love ur first card,its fun to see all the first cards:)))))

  9. yahooo...thanks soo much for playing along in my Flashback Friday Challenge!!! We started blogging in the same year:) Isn't it fun to look back on earlier creations and see how much our styles have changed?!!! I love that you incorporated so much upcycling in your cards..that's fabulous...wonderful work!!! Thanks again for playing along!

  10. I love that you knew what to do. It's wonderful to see our progress from the first cards. You've done wonderfully. I also love that you are recycling items. Go Green!!!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!