
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pixie Dust Tutorial

These tutorials are a product of extensive reading, researching and lots of time spent on making them. Please do not copy, or share on your page (for promoting your items in your shop) unless I give you permission to do so. Please ask nicely....I won't say no...but you need to ask.... You can link it on your blogs if you have used these tutorials...please share the link with me when you do use these tutorials...I would love to stop by and see what you have done! 

I'm just re-posting the pixie dust tutorial from the Pie lane blog...Just for those who missed it there!!
Its going to be loads of photos...I could have done a video..but my camera decide it didn't want to film in the dark and cloudy and cold day pictures it is for you!!
 My tools of trade....Double sided tape in different sizes....over here I have 1/4th inch, 1/2 inch, one inch and two inch tapes...tweezers, glitter, punches, and most important - baby wipes and a paint brush..and a large rough paper to collect glitter...I have a printer paper with me .

 Here I have the 2 inch double sided tape stuck to the paper...I usually scribble with a pen on the tape so that I know which side to stick back...
Peel off the backing...and save it...That is the most important sheet in this technique.
I tend to save scraps from other projects too. And keep your CS far away from glitter as possible while you're doing the next step.
I have punched out stars of different sizes from the backing paper..You can re-use them later on too...
Use your tweezers and start attaching them back on the sheet with the adhesive (double sided tape) Try very hard not to touch the sheet with your fingers..else the stickiness of the the tape will go away...

a picture of the whole sheet once covered in star peel offs!! Use your tweezer to stick them down properly.
Start pouring your base color glitter. This was my first mistake of the day....Never use light color glitter first...But as I learn .. you will continuing on..cover the whole sheet with transparent glitter...Wherever the star peel outs are there, the glitter will not adhere....

The most important part...Shake off the excess glitter and use your finger (sorry about that chipped nail..) to rub the glitter into the adhesive backed cardstock. Not too vigorously  but gently....rub all over the sheet and if necessary use a paint brush to brush off the excess.This rubbing motion sets the glitter in...and is called Burnishing.

 Here, I've removed a couple of the small star off...and poured glitter over only those areas...This is aqua color..again..pour, shake off the excess and rub over those area..

Work with one color at a time..I love how the blue-green glitter looks like a comet...its actually not..I'm just pouring it over the last of my stars...burnish and voila...the arrows show where the sticker has been peeled off and the adhesive of the tape is showing....

Your finished piece. Now you can see why it was a mistake to use the lightest color first? The darker colors have gone into the white and messed it up....but still its good!!! now this piece is ready to be used on a card...

And if you thought, that was all that I had to're wrong!!! I've got some more!!

So here I start with a random scrap of CS that I had lying around...

I used my cutting mat as a guide and drew diagonal lines on it... (Mishtake number 2 of the day) use a very light hand while drawing these!!!

 Using those lines as a reference stick down 1/4th inch double sided take on teh whole sheet...know where I'm going with this? you'll see....

 Start adding green glitter on every 3rd with one line at a time...use a paint brush to clean off in between and your wet wipes..

Then bring in color number every 3rd line with red...remove the backing, pour glitter, shake off the excess, use your fingers and burnish it and clean it with a brush...
Added the final and the 3rd color..transparent see my mishtake? the pencil lines are visible through the white glitter...Your piece is ready to be used in a card....

And btw I'm still not done yet!!! Do you hate me by now?  Tee-heehee!! Promise this is the last!!!

 This is what happens when you keep the paper with the adhesive near glitter...its Contaminated!! I've just cut a butterfly out of the backing paper of the double sided tape....
ETA - I think I skipped a few steps over here...the piece on the right is a piece of 2x3 inch CS covered with the 2 inch double sided tape..and the backing has been peeled off...that's why you see the red glitter stuck to it.. The butterfly is cut out of the backing paper that I peeled off. 

Attach the butterfly to the card base, pour the color you want...burnish it very well and then with tweezers remove the butterfly backing...and this is what you get after removing the backing... the part that is white is still sticky, as there is the double sided tape under the blue glitter.. 
you can add transparent glitter at this point...but I was going for extreme ..

Yeah, BLACK!!! Isn't that gorgeous...just add a magnet tape and you've got yourself a fridge magnet....

Here's after cutting the shape...and its ready to go on my fridge.

Hope you learnt something and will surely give this a try...simple tools...but dazzling results!! 

Any queries....shoot an email at Tejal2210 (AT) gmail (DOT) com.


  1. Ah Tejal you are a sweet heart.. Thank You for posting your fabulous tutorial here on your blog.Shall update my link now

  2. Hi, Just come over from Dr Sonia S V's blog. Your glitter tutorial is very clear and what you have made looks fabulous. Thanks. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Tejal just nominated your name for a blog candy share[In case I win!!].Here is the link:

  4. Great tutorial, Tejal.. Happy New Year to you..

  5. This is superb:) Thanks a lot for the tutorial


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