
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Getting to know me Bloghop

GOOD GOD!!! my blog has been inactive for 3 months!! That shows either I have been too busy or too lazy!! I think the latter!!! I think there are lot of changes that need to happen...starting soon!!!

Ok, so back to the topic of this blog post. Getting to know me!!! Sindhu tagged me for this fabulous little hop!! It requires me to answer a few questions about me...and in the process you get to know me..
And if you haven't checked her blog out, you have to!! She has mastered the art of CAS Cards...she has totally found her niche and I love her ability to explore and push her boundaries while still staying true to her style!! Drop by her blog and you will see what I mean...She can use a large background stamp or a Resin or a Charm or a tiny stamp and turn the card into something marvelous!!
Check this post for example....when you think of Die cutting, you would think ornate cards, and
over the top embellishments!! And see how she surprises you!!!

So getting to know me...
What am I currently working on?
Currently I'm in the middle of my first bulk order. I was more curious as to how the process goes..and when I got the chance I jumped and said "yes". Though it is extremely repetitive and once you have finalized the design, there is nothing but cut, copy, paste. More than the order or the work flow, I am learning more lessons in how to manage bulk orders. No one can teach you those!! And I will be happy to share those lessons with you!!!

Featuring some cards to break the monotony of just reading my essays!!! :D

Why do I write/create what I do?
Card making was just a silly hobby I had before I got married. Those days I was (still am, but rusty) a working Physiotherapist. Card making was an excuse to do something other than treat patients. Something Just for me.
Then marriage happened, cities changed and I didn't like the work options here. So picked up the hobby again, just to keep myself busy. Then a friend asked if I could do a scrapbook for her. And when she said she loved it, it felt like another door had opened. I've never looked back ever since.
And now I cannot imagine myself in a hospital or a clinic.
Being Creative and making beautiful things soothes my Libran spirit more than I ever knew. And also the joy of bringing a smile on the face of every recipient...that is what my soul craves for!

How does your writing or creative process work
 It begins with what I need to express with that card or scrapbook. Once I have that fixed, then I hop over to my Pinterest board to find sketches or color combos or even try to CASE cards. Even then, it takes me over a week to envision a single card....
Scrapbooks are easy ... most of the photographs give me the flow...I can make scrapbooks faster than I can a single card. My Scrapbooks have photographs as their main focus, not the embellishments that I own, or the dies I can pile on that page. If they complement the photo, I will use them. They have to convey a story, a message. Each and every photo. That is the basis of every scrapbook I make.

How do I become inspired or stay inspired?
Mostly my inspiration comes from all the new techniques that I read up or see on Youtube. Every night before I sleep I spend 10 mins ( I say 10 but it could be an hour too!!) surfing Pinterest.
Some say surfing too much Pinterest kills your mojo. To each his own I say. 
-> I bookmark some tutorials, I make a mock copy and then change something about it when I try it. ->There are some artists that inspire me on a daily basis, one of them being Jennifer Mcguire, Laura Denison, Kathy Orta, Gayatri, Yana etc.  I love surfing their blogs, their videos and I love how easily they share their talent and are generous. They are my main source of Mojo!
->I continue to learn. Everyday. If I find a term or technique that I don't know... I will read up on it!! That keeps me on my toes!

How does my work differ from the others of its genre?
Simplest to answer. I do not compare. Each one has their own style and method.

How long does it take to create a project?
Depends. I can make a scrapbook in one week and a card in 5 days. I'm a terrible terrible time-keeper. I can never keep deadlines, and I get bored very easily. While doing one project, I may get idea for another one...and I will ditch one to do the other...and it continues!! You get the idea!! :p

 What are my favorite things I love to create with at the moment?
Stamps, Stamps and more stamps. And If I talk of the most favorite brands, it has to be MFT leading the show, with Papertrey ink, Hero arts and Mama Elephant right now.
Then of course I love accent glitter...any kind of subtle glitter shimmer! Wink of stella, Stickles, and glitter embossing powders.
I'm hoping to go crazy with some textures soon...that's my next obsession.

 What is my signature style?
Style..none ...but signature element- Butterflies and glitter. I usually add them to every project.
As for style, I usually get bored soon of one one year I will do CAS, then get bored and jump to over embellished cards, then get bored and just do scrapbooks. So there's isn't something that says, its my signature style! But butterflies and glitter should point you in my direction!! :D

Thanks for reading so much!! If you are still with me, thank you!! I do hope to post regularly from now on...
I have to Tag two more so you can get to know them....

Saumya... I have to tag her....she is someone you will love getting to know....I cannot describe her in one word, I need a whole dictionary to do that. I love her boundless need to know...similar to mine..and her willingness to try something new every time when it comes to crafting. Be it kiddy craft, be it bulk orders, scrapbooks or mixed media...she can do it all, with flawless ease!! Sound like a case of hero worship?? It is!! She is simply brilliant...head over to her blog next week to read about her!!

I will tag Khushboo but she is already been tagged, never-the less...I cannot go by without tagging you!! someone who made me love bold and bright colors...for that you have my eternal gratitude!

And you have to meet this crazy girl...Erum...I have known her since my early days of crafting, almost 8 years now!! (oh my gosh..)..this girl has a way of turning colors and rules upon their head....her sense of color is simply amazing...and can she play with textures??  Simply brilliant... Every card, scrapbook, Cardini she makes, I message and tell her...I'm going to copy that!!
You have to stop by her blog or her Facebook page and check out her work!!! I've finished all the adjectives in my dictionary when it comes to describing her work!!

So I'll stop here...and let you take a breath!! I tend to ramble when I start typing or talking. My phone bills are proof of that!! :D


  1. Great knowing about you creative process Tejal! Love your work!

  2. I love you.. I knew most of this... bahh we know each other too well..

  3. Loved getting to know more about you and your creative process!

  4. Thanks for sharing about yourself... don't know how but I got inspired... :)

  5. My post will be LIVE in one two three.... :p
    LOVED reading all the craziness that goes in that CAS brain of yours (how contradictory!)

  6. Nice work


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!