
Monday, June 29, 2015

Stamping With Multi-Step stamps!

 Hello and here's the post that I promised yesterday!! So Multi-step stamps are the next big thing in Stamping world, along with the watercoloring trend. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and ordered myself the Altenew Vintage flowers. (There are two sets, The Vintage Roses has only roses, whilst, the Vintage flowers has a mix of roses, cherry blossoms and some more tiny flowers.  11 sets of flowers)

And so I took out all my inkpads, sat with my ink swatch book (if you haven't checked out my swatch book post, do check it out) to try to figure out combinations and then start to stamp!! And of course my MISTI. Little did I know how frustrated I was going to be. Lining up the stamps was not easy...could have been for others, but I needed it to be perfect as the pictures on the stamp set showed. So I started testing papers, inks and what not!! Here are my imperfect results.

 This is on Brustro Sketch paper, the one I normally use for stamping. I couldn't get the stamps to line up..if they lined up, the combination of inks was wrong.

 This is the only one on Day 1 that seemed to look okay..and then I hadn't stamped perfectly!! So I just walked away from the set. Started checking if there were any tips to line them up.

 Day 2. I changed my papers, and tried some other inks.  Paper was Neenah Solar White.
 I tried pearlescent inks, pigment inks, ranger dye inks (these are the worst  for layered stamping. They overshadow every other ink above or below them!!)

 Then after some more random stamping on scratch paper, I finally got some decent color combinations and better lining up! Sadly this paper has a linen texture to it, and solid stamps don't like texture paper. I love this for coloring with distress and prismacolors, but you can see on the purple flower below, the white shows through the purple.

Since I was using my MISTI, I was able to overstamp and cover the white in other two stamps. 
Just in case you want the colors I used, 
Pink - bottom to top layer - Angel Pink Memento Dye, Rose Bud Memento Dye, Rhubarb Stalk Memento Dye

Orange - (bottom to top order)  Dandelion memento dye, Tangelo memento dye (double stamped) , Cheese puff Ranger Dye

Purple - Lulu Lavender Memento dye, Grape soda Ranger dye, Grape jelly memento dye (double stamped)

 Then I took out my Papertrey ink's The Sweet Life stamp!! And oh my gosh!! This is how a 3-step stamp should be. Effortless. The lining up was super super easy on this compared to the above stamp set.
If you like roses, I would suggest, spend 3$ more and get this set. Its so worth it!!
Again, the linen texture shows through in the bottom left rose. On right I have used a smooth Campap paper which is really smooth and absorbs dye ink superbly!! This is my favorite stamping paper, for my silhouette and I can't find a decent seller. And I won't buy from snapdeal ( I hate their services)

 So the end of all this drama is this.

Here are my tips and tricks. If you are a beginner, avoid this set for will only make you frustrated with stamping. If you already have this set, or are going to buy..

1. Print this chart from their website and glue it on to your stamp set. That way you always have your lining guide.

2. Take a permanent marker and line your sets so you know what flower belongs to what set. Zoom on the picture below and mark your sets. I've have also numbered them. Because apparently, there are 7 stamping guides and 11 flower sets.. Which is when I realized, 4 sets of flowers are in two sizes. Go figure. They should print all this info or let you know!! Could have saved me hours of frustration. Anyhow. number them, so you know which guide to look for when stamping!

 3. Make an ink swatch you know what colors you have and can form a better idea of what colors in the same family will go together. Its like using a trio of copics. One lightest color, one medium and one dark.  Altenew has released color family sets, but that's again a big investment.
Also do save this link...a lot of amazing color combinations if you have all the inks. HERE

4. Lastly my version of the rose chart. The points marked with arrows is what I use to line them up and it works pretty well. The top most flower is slightly hard to layer and especially if your clear stamps are stained with inks. But not impossible!!
So here were my small tips and tricks. Do try if you have the stamp and share with me what you make!! Will love to have a peek and if there are any more tips and tricks that you know, please do share! 


  1. A very nice post . I tried with distress inks . See my note cards which altenew also shared. And even moment gives good results . Try using different pressure for different steps

  2. Thank you for the useful information...😊

  3. Phew......not my cup of tea......or my bouquet of flowers, should I say !! you do it Tejal and I will enjoy looking at your perfect cards !!! great post btw for all those who want to give it a go !!

  4. Here u do it again !! Absolutely fantastic post Tee!! I'm yet to add the PTI in my stash.... & now i'm off to add them to my shopping cart !! :) thanks for sharing these very useful tips as always !! Hugs...

  5. Thanks Tejal, for the super informative post! Just saved me some money and a whole lot of pain! I am off to checkout the PTI stamps instead!

  6. Great post!! Yup these stamps are indeed time consuming to use and the guide does little to help you. I hope the companies are listening and they make it easier for us!

  7. Loved your post..You have perfectly highlighted all the Pro's and Con's of this stamp set ...And Thanks for all the info about paper's and inks ..This set definitely requires shades of the same family ..And like you I am so waiting for the Altenew ink cubes to come to an Indian store :)..That PTI stamp is gorgeous !!!

  8. By looking at them on a first sight, I guess it's definitely not my cup of tea, especially those altnew ones, but I would like to try with the PTI ones.... Let me save some money first :) Thanks a ton for the detailed tutorial.... U are really very generous to share all the knowledge you have....

  9. Thanks a ton for this tutorial, I tried to stamp with my vintage flowers set and I must say I had a really tough time with it, especially the 4 layered flower. the color combinations were tough too, maybe I should make a color swatch book as you recommend

  10. Hello Tejal! Your blog is so wonderful..I loved hopping around it and I am also your latest follower! This post is very useful...Thanks for sharing! :)
    Find me on the blog land here -Suchi xx


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