
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ATC Swap

I have joined a group of Indian ATC swappers...and the challenges each month are so fascinating. I joined in April and May and had so much of fun making them. And in spite of not having access to all the fancy tools, stamps or inks, all of the participants have managed to make stunning creations. I would give all the girls a huge round of applause. Truly, creativity has no limitations. I am proud to be part of such a wonderful group of crafters.

I must have spent 20 days of the month thinking about how to make them and then finally made them in last 10 days..I just managed to submit them in time. Sorry if I sound disoriented...a bit tired...entertaining my 1 1/2 yr old BFF's girl for just 2 hours was exhausting...How did you all raise your kids?? How did my gran raise 5 kids...I can't entertain one for 2 hours!! :D

Anyhow, these are the leave some nice comments..these have been waiting to see the light of the blog for over 2 months...

Here are the ATC's for April..the theme was Summer treats..

I finally got to use loads of bling on them..All the shapes in the ice-cream cone and the lemonade glass are hand-cut..The 2nd ATC has a lot of water-coloring for the background..It was really fun making them.. Used Clear embossing powder on the glares..for the glass and the sun..looks brilliant in person..Am sure the person who gets it will love it..I so hated to send it off...

The theme for the month of May was Anything but a should check out all the entries here..simply stunning!!!


I simply used a dress template from Stampington. (Sorry I've lost that link..) Papers are all from DCWV Floral Fantasy stack. Some punches and some bling. Butterflies are stickers..I didn't get time to take pics of these ATC's before I posted I've taken them off the ATC blog..Hope you girls don't mind!!

Will get back to my home base next week and back to my posts and making cards..I did purchase a few cutting templates like the Coluzzle system. I got the circle and the square and I know its going to make my cutting work much much easier.

Till I post again..have a great week everyone..


  1. wow!!.. awesome atcs!.. i wanna eat the ice cream!!.. and the dresses are just soo pretty! :D

  2. The dresses are sooooooo cute...look like actual dresses :) Keep them coming :)

    Whats coluzzle system ?

  3. Tejal... yr dresses are just just so pretty that i actually stared at them(onscreen) for almost over 15 mins(trust me... no exaggeration)... i cud actually visualize a cute baby girl in it... lolzz...
    its adorable... thanks for playing along... thanks for for the words of encouragement!!!


  4. The dresses are simply superb!!! loved them!! And from where did you get the coluzzle templates? And that included the knife as well?

  5. Your ATCs are simply superb, Tejal.. I was ogling at the dresses for a while and then wanted to delete pics of my stupid ATCs from there!! :D


  6. Oh, wow... these all look so fantastic!The ice cream scoops are so fun, and the dresses are simply beyond adorable! Fabulous work!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!