
Friday, June 11, 2010

Something new

If you're reading to my blog in a reader, I would ask you to stop by my blog and see the changes I've made. Actually its not me, its the new design tab on the blogger..Freaking Fantastic if you ask me. I was even able to expand the width of my blogger without delving into the HTML mumbo-jumbo. Love this new feature!!

Also for the first time, I made a blog badge showing my love for Simplicity blog. Susan has inspired me so much, that I changed my whole shopping cart on Frugalities. Instead of ordering tons of tools, I ordered more colors of ink. There is so much that I learned from her..I don't need tons of stuff just because it is available there..but can I make something with what I have? I'm sure I'll continue to learn and grow..

So here's the badge, the quote is by Leonardo Da Vinci. If you want to post it to your side bar, I'm putting the code below it too...

To put this on your side bar, simple open the Design tab, or go to Edit layout.
Click on add a gadget, add HTML/Javascript.
Copy and paste the code into the box.
click save.
Adjust where on your layout where you would like the badge to be.

Here's the code : .

<a href="" title="simplicity by expressions2210, on Flickr"><img src="" width="125" height="125" alt="simplicity" /></a>

This is my way of saying Thanks to you Susan!
 Big hugs to you across the seven seas!!


  1. Tejal,

    Thank you. I'm deeply moved that the message at Simplicity has touched you so. And I'm adding the badge to my blog. I don't know if you know this, but my very first blog post was based on this quotation. You can see it here:

    You are so sweet! And Leonardo was right!

  2. the new luk is fab Tejal... the 'Design' tab is pretty cool... luking fwd to some fun wid it... let see hw far my technological impairedness wud lead me:))

  3. What an awesome badge! I agree, Susan's blog is definitely inspiring. And your new blog looks great, Tejal! :)

  4. Wonderful sentiments I agree That Susan Raihala's blog is an inspiration. Saw the google design tab, clicked and thought OOOOh errrr and quickly went back to blogger. I think I may try it out because I love what you've done, now you are an inspiration!!!!
    p.s. I have pinched your badge, it's great, Thank you x

  5. Great badge! I've added it to my sidebar! Thank you

  6. Hi Tejal, nice to meet you. Found your name on Susan's blog where she mentioned your name. I was amazed you said: "Instead of ordering tons of tools, I ordered more colors of ink." Wowow... I will try it myself, as so far I always thought tools are wonderful things to possess. Hugs, Dwita...

  7. Thanks for the is absolutely wonderful!

  8. I like the new look!!! really fab!! And the badge is adorable.


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