
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Butterflies galore! And OLW#8

There were so many things that went wrong with my first card. The butterfly mask worked well, but the image didn't stamp well inside, then the sentiment ... I think I tried to do too much to it. Should have left it at that..anyways, I'm not happy with my first card, which is the entry for Susan's One Layer Wednesday Challenge was to use mask as a background....Loved checking out all the cards for the challenge though...some really superb ones..

And this card is totally inspired by Joan B. Oh how I love her blog, quirky and funny...This is the card that inspired it..well both my cards are inspired by her. So because Susan got inspired by Joan, I went to see her site and then I got inspired by Joan. So a big thank you to you Joan for inspiring!!

I used post it notes to mask the green border which you can barely see, maybe if you squint, you might see it :), butterfly is a mask made when I cut up butterflies for the next card. Tried to get some flourishes stamped inside, but they weren't in the listening mood its a  partial impression.

And then the sentiment..masked the sentiment too close while stamping the flourishes..and the blue ink..what was I thinking..maybe, I wasn't thinking...don't worry, I won't post this atrocity to anyone...I'll have a good time hiding it in my closet though...

Which brings me to my super sweet next card. I finally learnt how to use my sharpies. And they give good results. Absolutely worth the dollar that I spent on it. (it cost me 45 bucks each, literally a dollar). And here is the card from Joan that inspired it. I was sitting around with butterflies in my head and then I saw her posts. What was a poor soul like me to do? I had to be inspired. Without more nonsense, here's the card..

I admit, I got carried away with the bling..but trust me, its not that much. Its just the light. Its insanely gorgeous in real life. The sentiment from Heart and soul rubber stamps was in two lines, stamped it two times to get it in one row.
And there had to be a line below Joan says, butterflies have to be 'grounded'.
The butterflies are images from coloring page, modified on my Photoshop.

This card is for no challenge. Just for my insane pleasure. Because I love butterflies and I love bling and I looove colored butterflies with bling. So this is just for me.

ETA: Well this card does fit into CAS71. So hereby it goes to the CAS71-things that fly!

Hope you like'em too!!


  1. Until and unless you please yourself you cant please anyone else :)

    Really gorgeous..Loved the bling :D :)

  2. these are absolutely gorgeous butterflies!!! vibrant and 'grounded' :)

  3. Gorgeous card.. Loved it!! But why ground butterflies?

  4. Lovely cards and your Butterfly trio is gorgeous.

  5. wow, those butterflies are beautiful. and there is no such thing as too much glitter!!! hehehehe!!!

  6. Ahh! Tejal!!! Those butterflies look GORGEOUS!!! So absolutely striking with their bright and vibrant colors! They look perfect on the simple white space of the card base. Love, love, love it!!!

  7. cute!!.. i lyk the first card too.. love the kind of masking you tried..
    and the second card is just AWESOME!.. love the bling! :D

  8. Lovely cards, the butterflys are just zinging off the page, love a bit of bling myself:)

  9. Gorgeous cards!! Even I like the first one too... I can't stamp at all and I think you've done a good job...
    The second card is of course, beautiful! Lovely colors... and bling is always nice ;-)

  10. Oh! I'm exhausted & desperately wanna a catnap... But my hand does not seem tired & so is my inquisitiveness..... I have been here on your space for the past one & a half hour, since I posted my ATCs..... I don't seem to get enough of your creations & posts.... Reading through them made me feel good & at the same time envious too.... Envy u for few of the stamps u own & won.... But I must admit, I loved all the projects.... Kudos!!!!! & God Bless!!!!


  11. is this the same butterfly Tejal? If it is then I am sooo glad you found it!

    i can imagine when you say it is insanely gorgeous... these pics never come out as goood as the card actually looks in real life... i know this all too well.

    and yes it is hot here, i have low bp thingy so i try not be without ac or in conjusted places for a long time. the room where i scrap has no AC hence the lack of posts :)

    and no its not shimmerz that i have used on my card. they are called pearl paints here.... they are fabric paints... i use them on cards :p

    the ruffled flowers are normal tissue paper flowers. i will try for a tutorial but cant promise as i am not good at explaining things :S

    The butterflies are printouts, they are original butterflies and not cliparts etc found em online... i love butterflies just like you do!

  12. These cards a are gorgeous Tejal.......the butterflies look the stamping on the first card (I'm no good at it :( )

  13. Sweet cards! I love the sparkly butterflies. Thanks for joining us at Glitterbabe's Challenge.


  14. oh we're always so hard on ourselves!!! these are both fabulous! and thank you so much for joining in glitterbabe's FIRST challenge!!!

  15. Wow this is one gorgeous card, amazing colouring and the white dots really enhance the butterfly:-)

    It's nice to meet a fellow 'crafty' girl so close to home:-) Love your name btw! so mysterious,and exotic, I guess you hear that a lot!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!