
Monday, August 2, 2010

Friendship Day!

I had kept this post in the draft for so many days, just dying to hit the Publish Post button! But had to be patient, lest people got a whiff of what I was up to!! Been on a card making spree just so that they reached in time for Friendship day on 1st Aug. I'm big on such things, I love giving. I've had a couple of peeps tell me, why waste money on something that will be thrown out a few days later! But its the libran (even though I'm a Libra-Scorpio cusp, I firmly believe that I am a libran :D )  in me, that refuses to give up!! And now finally found a bunch of peeps who know and appreciate the work you put into your gift, its a wonderful feeling when you know the surprise they'll have on their face!! So these goes out to you my favorite peeps! Thanks for being my friends!!


These are the fastest and the simplest cards I've made. Made 6 in 2 hours! They're that fast to whip up! And since everything was with measurement, things went like assembly line!! Took this sketch from CAS76 as inspiration. 
I've had this DCWV black and white paper pad sitting for a while, so thought this was the best time to     showcase colors on a black and white background and it worked perfectly!

I did get carried away with faux stitching but I guess its my in-thing for now. For a while it was inchies, then came CAS cards, then faux stitching. I don't think I'll tire out with these though, they're too much fun!! Sorry about the not so great photos, took them fast before sealing the enevelopes at night while watching Criminal minds! I don't like that show too much, wish White collar or Castle was back on, it was fun, this one is gruesome!!

A big Hug to all my other blogger friends. Thank you for stopping by my blog and letting me know that you think of me from time to time. It means a lot!! Thanks for being my friends peeps!!


  1. ooh how i love black and white papers! The touch of pink adds the extra oomph! great work tejal!

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! adore those butterflies!!!

  3. love those b&w dp's,they were out of the world and the cute butterfly too:)

  4. Hi Tejal, well I think they were worth waiting for, your friends are going to love these!
    Perfect in black and white and the little butterfly in a bright pop of colour is just wonderful:) xx

  5. They are simply gorgeous.... :) Love them !!!!!
    The dash of colur in the black and white loooks wonderfullll....
    :D :D :D
    Your fetish for the butterflies continues... !!

  6. :D :D Lovely cards.. The dash of colour from butterfly on otherwise monochromatic card is awesome!! gonna try it sometime!

  7. Tejal, your post made me laugh! I'm a Virgo-Libran, literally right in between but I really believe I'm a Libran. ;) LOVE this gorgeous set! The butterflies look amazing against the black and white. Of course there's no such thing as too much of what you love - faux stitching! You do it so wonderfully! (Me, I love Criminal Minds and have never seen White Collar or Castle, but I know the lead from Castle when he was on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

  8. Lovely cards once again, Tejal. It's tough to keep a lid on surprises but you did good. Not a whiff. BTW.....I love Castle too. Not a fan of Criminal Minds but I do like the Gibson fella.

  9. The blog's ready Tejal. Its just basic but its a start. I'm still learning. I have three cards on it right now. Do check it out and give me inputs. priyavenkatdesigns dot wordpress dot com is where it is.

  10. Tejal, these are gorgeous! I love the faux stitching! It's one of my favorite techniques right now too! :) And I just love how you made the cards in black & white, with just a hint of color with the butterflies. It really makes the colors pop! So stunning and absolutely beautiful!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!