
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome my friend to the blogging world!

This is just a small post to welcome Priya to the blogging world. I've known her since more than 2 yrs now,  . She loves creating and gives from the heart! That's what makes her so special. There are always  wonderful words from her on everything I make..and well her work inspires me so!  (I'm sure she's telling me to stop right now)

After bugging her for so long to start a blog, she finally has one! So please stop by her blog and welcome her to the blogging world. You will love what she creates! Here is the link to her blog, Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Here is one of her gorgeous cards! I love this one so much, its just soft subtle and beautiful.

Welcome to the blogging world Priya, hope to see tons and tons of great work from you!


  1. Thank you so much Tejal for this fabulous intro. I'm very grateful to you for doing this for me. All of yesterday I was so nervous. I woke up this morning to so many comments and its all thanks to you for directing friends my way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm too choked up now. Will email you.

  2. this is a cute card indeed... welcome to the blogging world priya!


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!