
Thursday, August 5, 2010


I almost missed doing this challenge. Not that I didn't have time, not that I didn't have ideas, not that I was busy. It was just that the rain Gods were so happy, that sun didn't show its face for 4 whole days..and it rained like crazy..plummeting the temperatures...who was I to complain!! I just snuggled under the blanket and dreamt of making cards...whereas my butt didn't go anywhere!!!

So thanks to Daisy's arrival in Susan's life(that might not entirely be the reason, but Daisy is a cute reason enough) that this weeks OLW got delayed and I finally moved my butt from under the blanket!

Before you get bored with my chit-chat (I'm in a very talkative mood today), tomorrow's post is a mini-tutorial on using the Glue and gloss. I've got many queries as to how to use it and etc, so figured might as well show you how. Stay tuned..!!

This week was to be a square outline card, this is where I fumbled. Not really grasping the meaning of outline image ( I could have just asked Susan, but for that I had to move my butt of out the blanket) so I just took a chance that what I made is what Susan asked us to make. Hopefully..

OLW 14
I uncovered a clear set of butterflies I owned, and didn't use cos they were too tiny. Too tiny to be used as main images, only as accents. So here I needed accents. And this card is trial no3. The other two are waiting for salvation...
This is a tiny 4x4 card. Notice how I left the butterfly in the PP behind! Yeah, I'm trying to show off!! :)

The next card was an afterthought, I'd won a set from Lizzy Anne designs, but this set did not motivate me. We just didn't belong together, until now. When I sat to make this card, I didn't want to color it. Its only highlighted!

Plus I made a muck out of the nest, I wanted a tree of sorts on which the nest would rest, but whatever I did I just looked like mud, so I made it into mud. There is only so much I could do to salvage this card. I just didn't want the nest to float in mid-air. Many don't care about such things, but for me it would be a weird world where the nest was floating in mid air, even on a card!!!

I have to say , I love  Lizzy Anne designs stamps, the rubber is beautiful. It stamps insanely gorgeous, and if money would grow on trees I would have all their stamps, maybe not all, but most of it. I love red rubber, any-day compared to clear acrylic, but that is a whole another post!

All I colored was the mucky ground, the bird's underbelly, and gray shadow under the bird. And highlighted its looked blind before I did that!! So that's it from me.

And you thought I quit blabbering! Not yet, at least not before I show you one stunning RAK I received in the mail. Little miss Spardha (can't help but call her that, she's not even out of high school) sent me this gorgeous piece of work, it was hard to photograph since it was an acetate card, but I've been just staring at it since yesterday!! (Doing the happy dance!)

And if you want to see a ghost, peer closely at the acetate, you'll see my shadow!!


  1. I love ur brains so much ! lol...literally to get such cool ideas :)
    Loved the daisy card and ur favorite butterflies !
    I had told u that u will definately make something out the bird stamps and u did....the card loooks so good !Its got like a vintage look to it... ! :)
    U rock ! seriously..........

  2. Hi there Tejal, love your sense of humour and your cards!!!!! Your card from Sparda is lovely, you're right she's a real talent:)xxx

  3. lol!.. thanks soo much! :))
    and I soo envy you for the first card!.. yours turned out SOO well.. mine was a disaster! :(.. but I love the colourfull-ness of ur card! ;)
    and the second one looks perfect!..
    And omg!.. the 3rd card is looking gorgeous! ;)

  4. wowa lovely! love both your cards and also your RAK. somethings wrong with my camera so i think i will be posting pictures taken from my cellphone :( i am telling you this cuz your pics have turned out absolutely great!

  5. u r lucky to win some awesome stamps like this:))love the cards and the rak

  6. :D That bird card is simply AWESOME!!! Loved it!! & yeah, Little miss Spardha seem an apt title for her :D :D :D


Thank you for taking time to appreciate my work!