OK back to the chubby pirate, I had to have him...easy wouldn't you say so? nopes..This is from Magnolia stamps, which is not available here. So what did I do, drew him of course...what else is a obsessed stamper to do...
and I love the card i saw, so I had to have the sun too...and I used my scalloped scissors to cut a cloud out of an oval. DP is printed off the scrap booking kit...I find most of them at Scrapping with Ikeagoddess.

So where does this card go to...it should reach the birthday boy in around 2-3 weeks, yup its going overseas. So Ken if you're reading this..you know what to expect....I love spoiling surprises...and speaking of one, I'm getting a ton of stuff from frugalities. Man, do they charge exorbitant shipping within the USA!!! I'm paying 14$ to have it delivered to a girlfriend's place and she'll bring it with her when coming in October. Most of the stuff is so tiny, my parents are going to have a fit... and maybe snatch my CC. Ah well! I would go crazy if I ever go to US. i won't care for any historic monuments, I would be found at most of the craft stores. So its good that I'm not going in the near future. (wink)